DC Attractions

1. Monumento a Washington

(Washington Monument)
2 15th St NW (btwn Constitution Ave NW & Independence Ave SW), Washington, D.C.
Monumento · Southwest Washington · 344 tips y reseñas
Monumento a Lincoln is one of DC Attractions.

2. Monumento a Lincoln

(Lincoln Memorial)
2 Lincoln Memorial Circle NW (btwn Constitution & Independence Ave SW), Washington, D.C.
Monumento · Southwest Washington · 471 tips y reseñas

3. Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial

400 W Basin Drive SW (at Ohio Dr SW), Washington, D.C.
Monumento · Southwest Washington · 108 tips y reseñas
Thomas Jefferson Memorial is one of DC Attractions.

4. Thomas Jefferson Memorial

16 E Basin Dr SW (at Ohio Dr SW), Washington, D.C.
Monumento · Southwest Washington · 142 tips y reseñas

5. Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial

1850 W Basin Dr SW (at Independence Ave SW), Washington, D.C.
Monumento · Southwest Washington · 143 tips y reseñas
World War II Memorial is one of DC Attractions.

6. World War II Memorial

1750 Independence Ave SW (at 17th St SW), Washington, D.C.
Monumento · Southwest Washington · 160 tips y reseñas
The Pentagon 9/11 Memorial is one of DC Attractions.

7. The Pentagon 9/11 Memorial

The Pentagon, Arlington, VA
Monumento · The Pentagon · 28 tips y reseñas
Changing of the Guard is one of DC Attractions.

8. Changing of the Guard

Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, VA
Otro evento · 9 tips y reseñas
Newseum is one of DC Attractions.

9. Newseum

555 Pennsylvania Ave NW (at 6th St NW), Washington, D.C.
Museo · Downtown-Penn Quarter-Chinatown · 305 tips y reseñas
Museo Nacional de Historia Estadounidense is one of DC Attractions.

10. Museo Nacional de Historia Estadounidense

(National Museum of American History)
1400 Constitution Ave NW (at 14th St NW), Washington, D.C.
Museo histórico · Northwest Washington · 356 tips y reseñas
Museo Nacional de los Indios Americanos is one of DC Attractions.

11. Museo Nacional de los Indios Americanos

(National Museum of the American Indian)
950 Independence Ave SW (4th St. SW), Washington, D.C.
Museo histórico · Southwest Washington · 178 tips y reseñas
International Spy Museum is one of DC Attractions.

12. International Spy Museum

800 F St NW (9th St NW), Washington, D.C.
Museo · Penn Quarter · 207 tips y reseñas
Museo del Holocausto is one of DC Attractions.

13. Museo del Holocausto

(United States Holocaust Memorial Museum)
100 Raoul Wallenberg Pl SW, Washington, D.C.
Museo histórico · Southwest Washington · 256 tips y reseñas
Smithsonian American Art Museum is one of DC Attractions.

14. Smithsonian American Art Museum

800 G St. NW (8th and F Streets, NW), Washington, D.C.
Museo de arte · Downtown-Penn Quarter-Chinatown · 85 tips y reseñas
National Museum of Crime & Punishment is one of DC Attractions.

15. National Museum of Crime & Punishment

575 7th St NW, Washington, D.C.
Museo · Penn Quarter · 58 tips y reseñas
Museo Nacional del Aire y el Espacio is one of DC Attractions.

16. Museo Nacional del Aire y el Espacio

(National Air and Space Museum)
6th St. (Independence Ave SW), Washington, D.C.
Museo de Ciencias · Southwest Washington · 637 tips y reseñas
Museo Nacional de Historia Natural del Instituto Smithsoniano is one of DC Attractions.

17. Museo Nacional de Historia Natural del Instituto Smithsoniano

(National Museum of Natural History)
1000 Constitution Ave NW (at 10th St NW), Washington, D.C.
Museo de Ciencias · Northwest Washington · 427 tips y reseñas
La Casa Blanca is one of DC Attractions.

18. La Casa Blanca

(The White House)
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW (btwn 15th St NW & 17th St NW), Washington, D.C.
Edificio gubernamental · Northwest Washington · 512 tips y reseñas
South Lawn is one of DC Attractions.

19. South Lawn

1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, D.C.
Jardín · Northwest Washington · 33 tips y reseñas
El Pentágono is one of DC Attractions.

20. El Pentágono

(The Pentagon)
1400 Defense, Arlington, VA
Edificio gubernamental · The Pentagon · 98 tips y reseñas
Gravelly Point Park is one of DC Attractions.

21. Gravelly Point Park

George Washington Memorial Pkwy, Arlington, VA
Parque · 66 tips y reseñas
Tidal Basin is one of DC Attractions.

22. Tidal Basin

W Basin Dr SW (at Independence Ave SW), Washington, D.C.
Lago · Southwest Washington · 63 tips y reseñas
Tidal Basin Paddle Boats is one of DC Attractions.

23. Tidal Basin Paddle Boats

1501 Maine Ave SW, Washington, D.C.
Puerto · Southwest Washington · 17 tips y reseñas

24. George Washington Masonic National Memorial

101 Callahan Dr (King St), Alexandria, VA
Monumento · 24 tips y reseñas
Nationals Park is one of DC Attractions.

25. Nationals Park

1500 S Capitol St SE (btwn N St SE & Potomac Ave SE), Washington, D.C.
Estadio de béisbol · Navy Yard · 475 tips y reseñas