Aquí hay tips populares sobre Sídney. Selecciona un gusto para ver más:

Foursquare te ayuda a encontrar los lugares ideales en Sídney para ir con amigos:

La gente está hablando acerca de estos lugares en Sídney:

  • 9.4

    Shelly Beach

    Playa Bower St. Manly, NSW

    La gente también comenta (41 tips):

    • Ms H.
      Ms Helene: "Shallow and clear water with trees behind for shade and a cafe / restaurant for coffee. 10-15 minute walk from much busier Manly via an ocean pool."
    • A
      A: "I had a dive there , good for diving, check the sharks season, if you would like to see some."
  • 9.4

    Puente de la bahía de Sídney

    Puente Bradfield Hwy Sídney, NSW

    La gente también comenta (179 tips):

    • Javila
      Javila: "La foto más bonita de la bahía desde el ferry."
    • Epicurean .
      Epicurean 🗼dventures: "Many ways 2 appreciate d bridge up close. U can also get a unique perspective of Sydney cityscape from here. If u hv time 2 spare, it's worth exploring."
  • 9.4

    Barangaroo Reserve

    Parque 1 Merriman St Barangaroo, NSW

    La gente también comenta (20 tips):

    • Sam S.
      Sam S: "Absolutely perfect view for sunset! Beware though, it gets extra windy and you might get cold."
    • Surface Magazine
      Surface Magazine: "Barangaroo lures weekend throngs with its stellar location on a formerly industrial, unused slice of the harbor foreshore that has been transformed into a vast green space."

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