Lugares favoritos de Dimitar
The Wrong Bar is one of Lugares favoritos de Dimitar.

1. The Wrong Bar

ул. Шейново 18, Sofía, София-град
Bar al aire libre · Оборище · 46 tips y reseñas
Caffe Van Gogh is one of Lugares favoritos de Dimitar.

2. Caffe Van Gogh

Ul. Mihail Cokov br. 4, Skopje, Општина Карпош
Bar · 17 tips y reseñas
Caffe Corsso is one of Lugares favoritos de Dimitar.

3. Caffe Corsso

Dame Gruev (Vo prolazot), Skopje, Општина Карпош
Café · 4 tips y reseñas
Domino's Pizza is one of Lugares favoritos de Dimitar.

4. Domino's Pizza

Бул. Партизански Одреди, Skopje, Општина Карпош
Pizzería · No hay tips ni reseñas
Minus Eden is one of Lugares favoritos de Dimitar.

5. Minus Eden

Branislav Nushikj, Skopje, Општина Карпош
Club nocturno · 1 tip
Restoran Dojrana is one of Lugares favoritos de Dimitar.

6. Restoran Dojrana

513 (513), Skopje, Општина Карпош
Restaurante de comida reconfortante · No hay tips ni reseñas

7. Halkbank

B. B. Ribar, Kumanovo, Куманово
Banco · No hay tips ni reseñas
Gastroteca Siesta is one of Lugares favoritos de Dimitar.

8. Gastroteca Siesta

Luj Paster 11, Skopje, Општина Карпош
Gastropub · 2 tips y reseñas
Lee is one of Lugares favoritos de Dimitar.

9. Lee

Анкарска 23, Skopje
Café · 132 tips y reseñas
Bronson is one of Lugares favoritos de Dimitar.

10. Bronson

Salón · No hay tips ni reseñas
КафеСтудио 7гр. is one of Lugares favoritos de Dimitar.

11. КафеСтудио 7гр.

Наум Наумовски Борче, Skopje, Општина Карпош
Café · 5 tips y reseñas
Forza Café & Restaurant is one of Lugares favoritos de Dimitar.

12. Forza Café & Restaurant

Лондонска бб., Skopje, Општина Карпош
Café · 48 tips y reseñas
СЦ Форца is one of Lugares favoritos de Dimitar.

13. СЦ Форца

Лондонска бб, Skopje, Општина Карпош
Deportes y ocio · 9 tips y reseñas

14. Gostilnica Nadzak

Cafetería · No hay tips ni reseñas
Пелистер / Pelister is one of Lugares favoritos de Dimitar.

15. Пелистер / Pelister

Плоштад Македонија (Macedonia Square), Skopje, Општина Карпош
Restaurante · 172 tips y reseñas

Dimitar I.Dimitar Ivanov: Very nice place to have food any time of the day, offering various dishes and deserts with good service. The place is in the middle in the city and is always packed!

Bahnhof Wien Meidling is one of Lugares favoritos de Dimitar.

16. Bahnhof Wien Meidling

Eichenstr. 23, Viena, Viena
Estación de ferrocarril · Meidling · 35 tips y reseñas
DO & CO Onyx Bar is one of Lugares favoritos de Dimitar.

17. DO & CO Onyx Bar

Stephansplatz 12, Viena, Viena
Bar de cócteles · Kärntner Viertel · 112 tips y reseñas

Dimitar I.Dimitar Ivanov: Fancy bar right next to the Stephansplatz in Vien, offering some good drinks and awsome view to the church from the roof top bar.

WEIN & CO Schottentor is one of Lugares favoritos de Dimitar.

18. WEIN & CO Schottentor

Universitätsring 12, Viena, Viena
Bar de vinos · Schottenviertel · 20 tips y reseñas

Dimitar I.Dimitar Ivanov: Very cool and funky wine bar near the rathaus in Vienna. Good wine selection, cozy atmosphere, nice service and some snacks too :)

Ресторан Порта is one of Lugares favoritos de Dimitar.

19. Ресторан Порта

Прилеп, Прилеп
Bar de vinos · 4 tips y reseñas
Art Cafe Aporea is one of Lugares favoritos de Dimitar.

20. Art Cafe Aporea

Bulevar Goce Delchev, Прилеп, Прилеп
Bar · 15 tips y reseñas
La Strada is one of Lugares favoritos de Dimitar.

21. La Strada

Bul. Goce Delcev bb, Прилеп, Прилеп
Pizzería · 7 tips y reseñas
Public Room - Centre For Design And Innovation is one of Lugares favoritos de Dimitar.

22. Public Room - Centre For Design And Innovation

50 Divizija, Skopje, Center
Centro cultural · 12 tips y reseñas

Dimitar I.Dimitar Ivanov: Awsome spot to go to for a drink or visit any other event any day during the week! Also serve some snacks too, and their staff is very friendly and cool too!

Mavrovski Merak - Mavrovo is one of Lugares favoritos de Dimitar.

23. Mavrovski Merak - Mavrovo

Mavrovo, Mavrovo, Маврово и Ростуша
Restaurant de fondue · 4 tips y reseñas

Dimitar I.Dimitar Ivanov: Traditional local cuisine with friendly staff and very nice lake view. Some dishes are unique to this place only, so going to Mavrovo make sure you visit and try their food! Try kachamak and cheese!

Euphoria is one of Lugares favoritos de Dimitar.

24. Euphoria

ул. Найден Геров, Банско, Благоевград
Salón · 184 tips y reseñas
Happy End is one of Lugares favoritos de Dimitar.

25. Happy End

ул. Глазне, Банско, Благоевград
Bar de après-ski · 64 tips y reseñas
St. John Hill Ski & Spa resort is one of Lugares favoritos de Dimitar.

26. St. John Hill Ski & Spa resort

8 St Ivan, Банско, Благоевград
Hotel · 8 tips y reseñas

Dimitar I.Dimitar Ivanov: Cozy spa and well equiped gym. The food is so delicious! In 15 minutes walking distance from the center. The rooms are also very spacious clean and nice, wifi and tv included.

Victoria is one of Lugares favoritos de Dimitar.

27. Victoria

ул. Пирин, Банско, Благоевград
Restaurante búlgaro · 217 tips y reseñas
Stopanska komora na Makedonija is one of Lugares favoritos de Dimitar.

28. Stopanska komora na Makedonija

Dimitrija Cupovski, Skopje, Општина Карпош
Estructura · No hay tips ni reseñas
Vero 5 (Идадија) is one of Lugares favoritos de Dimitar.

29. Vero 5 (Идадија)

Метрополит Теодосиј Гологанов бб, Skopje, Општина Карпош
Supermercado · 6 tips y reseñas
Barbakan is one of Lugares favoritos de Dimitar.

30. Barbakan

Bulevar 8. Septemvri, 18, Skopje, Општина Карпош
Restaurante · 71 tips y reseñas

Dimitar I.Dimitar Ivanov: My favourite place to hang out! Good food nice people cool afterwork parties on fridays and more! Serve really good food too! Try their salads, burgers or the baked potatoes with sweet chilli sauce!