Gentrifried Chicken

Gentrifried Chicken


A celebration of the most beautiful food in the world in the most beautiful city in the world.

Brooklyn, NY
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  • 509 seguidores
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  • 4 Listas
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Las mejores ciudades de Gentrifried Chicken
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1 Lista creada · 4 Tips
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Gentrifried Chicken
12 lugares actualizados Noviembre 5, 2012
Hurricane Sandy closed a ton of small businesses for several days. As we begin to rebuild, let's join #EatDownTipUp by visiting some of our favorites and leaving some big tips. And hey fried chicken.
Gentrifried Chicken
48 lugares actualizados Abril 20, 2017
Some of our favorite places to celebrate the most beautiful food in the world in the most beautiful city in the world. These are places we have explored and a few we need to explore soon.
Gentrifried Chicken
5 lugares actualizados
5 lugares incluyendo Coop's Place, Coop's Place, John's Fried Chicken, Coop's Place
Gentrifried Chicken
1 lugares actualizados
1 lugar incluyendo Meat Hook Sandwich
    ""It’s the best version of Korean fried chicken that New Yorkers can probably find outside of Korea."-Eater"
    Gentrifried ChickenGentrifried Chicken · Abril 23, 2018
    Pollo frito
    · Brooklyn, Estados Unidos
    ""It’s the best version of Korean fried chicken that New Yorkers can probably find outside of Korea." -Eater"
    Gentrifried ChickenGentrifried Chicken · Abril 23, 2018
    · Sunnyside, Estados Unidos
    "The best Nashville-style Hot Chicken in the city. Order it Hot (extra dusting of cayenne) and get some $5 cocktails if it's brunch time."
    Gentrifried ChickenGentrifried Chicken · Febrero 17, 2014
    Pollo frito
    · Brooklyn, Estados Unidos
    "Try the Buttermilk Fried Chicken Grilled Cheese with pepper jack cheese, creamy red cabbage slaw (which balances everything pretty nicely), and melt sauce."
    Gentrifried ChickenGentrifried Chicken · Octubre 28, 2012
    Lugar de sándwiches
    · New York, Estados Unidos
    "Fried chicken: Do it! We like the Korean better than the Southern-style here but the fried chicken sides are by far the best in city. Reservations are getting a little easier to come by too!"
    Gentrifried ChickenGentrifried Chicken · Julio 18, 2012
    · New York, Estados Unidos
    "Some of the finest Korean fried chicken in NYC. Right up there with Bon Chon."
    Gentrifried ChickenGentrifried Chicken · Enero 15, 2012
    Pollo frito
    · Jackson Heights, Estados Unidos