Jei Ku

Jei Ku

some little punk livin it up in H-TOWN always looking for new adventures & awesome foods to try!

Houston, Texas
  • 68 tips
  • 99 seguidores
  • 37 siguiendo
  • 15 Listas

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Las mejores ciudades de Jei
3 Listas creadas · 33 Tips
2 Listas creadas · 9 Tips
3 Listas creadas · 5 Tips
2 Listas creadas · 4 Tips
San Antonio
1 Lista creada · 3 Tips
1 Lista creada · 2 Tips
The Woodlands
2 Listas creadas · 1 Tip
Lake Charles
1 Lista creada · 2 Tips
Los Angeles
1 Lista creada · 1 Tip
Listas recientes de Jei
Jei Ku
18 lugares actualizados Agosto 21, 2014
18 lugares incluyendo 16th Street Mall, Rocky Mountain National Park, Royal Gorge Bridge and Park, Cheyenne Mountain Zoo
Jei Ku
2 lugares actualizados Agosto 5, 2013
2 lugares incluyendo Le Beaucoup Buffet, L'Auberge Casino
Jei Ku
4 lugares actualizados Noviembre 10, 2013
4 lugares incluyendo Sushi House Goyemon, Piranha Nightclub, Grand Canal Shoppes, Zombie Apocalypse Store
Jei Ku
14 lugares actualizados Diciembre 28, 2015
food, fun, arcade, mall, entertainment
Jei Ku
6 lugares actualizados Abril 28, 2014
6 lugares incluyendo La Villita, The Amazing Mirror Maze, San Marcos Premium Outlets, Natural Bridge Caverns
Jei Ku
2 lugares actualizados Septiembre 4, 2012
places to go & see in Maryland & Washington D.C
Listas de JeiListas que Jei creóListas que Jei siguió
Tips recientes de Jei
"The damn macarons were to die for!"
Jei KuJei Ku · Marzo 26, 2014
· Houston, Estados Unidos
"Get the groupon deal for two! Its well worth it. Its a small facility, so you going to have to call in and reserve ahead of time. The instructor is friendly & its a fun new hobby if you haven't tried."
Jei KuJei Ku · Agosto 5, 2013
Arte y entretenimiento
· Houston, Estados Unidos
"Free Drinks..oh yeah! My favorite thing to play is the Whale Song. <3"
Jei KuJei Ku · Agosto 5, 2013
· Lake Charles, Estados Unidos
"Great service & Great food. Everything was delicious and for the price of $25 per person.. You can not beat that price! Well worth."
Jei KuJei Ku · Agosto 5, 2013
· Lake Charles, Estados Unidos
"This is like a hidden gem. Its a small market and small sushi restaurant. Its really cheap and pretty fresh. Just know that service is a bit slow though. :)"
Jei KuJei Ku · Julio 17, 2013
· Dallas, Estados Unidos
"Transformer 3D ride is the SHIT!!!!!"
Jei KuJei Ku · Julio 16, 2013
Parque de atracciones
· Los Ángeles, Estados Unidos