Jeff Ross

Jeff Ross

Beverly, MA
  • 8 tips
  • 6 seguidores
  • 3 siguiendo
  • 4 Listas

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Las mejores ciudades de Jeff
6 Tips
2 Tips
Jeff Ross
11 lugares actualizados
11 lugares incluyendo Denny's, Endicott College, Bayview Hall, Endicott College
Jeff Ross
0 lugares actualizados
0 sitios
Listas de JeffListas que Jeff creóListas que Jeff siguió
"this is the most convenient gas station for getting off exit 19 on 128 north. It is right on my way to school. Remember this location if your ever around that area."
Jeff RossJeff Ross · Noviembre 17, 2011
· Beverly, Estados Unidos
"my favorite place to eat. i was here the other night and every time it just gets better and better."
Jeff RossJeff Ross · Noviembre 17, 2011
· Boston, Estados Unidos
"boston is the best city in the world. there is always something new to do, and the most history lives here. go check it out as soon as possible. its a must"
Jeff RossJeff Ross · Noviembre 17, 2011
· Estados Unidos
"stoneridge has a great view from being up top on a cliff. I recommend this dorm if you want to move into it with your friends and enjoy each others company all the time."
Jeff RossJeff Ross · Noviembre 17, 2011
Apartamento o piso
· Beverly, Estados Unidos
"if you get hungry on the late night, then the lodge is the place to go. It fills you right up and the food is cooked really well. there are a lot of comfortable couches to enjoy it on too"
Jeff RossJeff Ross · Noviembre 17, 2011
Sin categoría
· Beverly, Estados Unidos
"bayview is my favorite dorm on campus. it has real nice bathrooms, and to have as a freshman is unheard of. i recommend getting one of the quad rooms, their the biggest"
Jeff RossJeff Ross · Noviembre 17, 2011
Residencia universitaria
· Beverly, Estados Unidos