Katie Speiker Partin

Katie Speiker Partin


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Katie Speiker Partin
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Katie Speiker Partin
1 lugares actualizados
1 lugar incluyendo The Fresh Market
    "Also the bakery OMG everything is good from there! Be careful its easy to get addicted lol"
    Katie Speiker PartinKatie Speiker Partin · Febrero 16, 2015
    Tienda de comestibles
    · Toledo, Estados Unidos
    "This place is AWESOME! All the meat is delicious, but the steaks are out of this world good! Tuesdays they have ground beef and chicken breast for only $2.99 a lb!"
    Katie Speiker PartinKatie Speiker Partin · Febrero 16, 2015
    Tienda de comestibles
    · Toledo, Estados Unidos