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Malden YMCA

Malden YMCA

Gimnasio y estudio, Cancha de baloncesto y Campamento de verano
Malden Center, Malden
  • Tips
    Krissy O.
    "The excercise classes (clases) are great the machines are good and the gym."(7 Tips)
    Mocha S.
    "Great fitness classes like Zumba and swimming (natación)!"(2 Tips)
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  • Bill S.
    Bill SmithFebrero 1, 2017
    When you are faced with a garage emergency because of your garage doors,call on a Malden Efficient Garage Repair,right away.Address: 280 Washington St,Ste 12,Malden, MA 02148 Contact No.:(781)312-7147 Leer más
  • Krissy O.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Krissy O'BrienOctubre 15, 2015
    Ha estado aquí más de 5 veces
    Zumba with Emily in the morning is great she is very high energy and sweet. I take the beginner class but she also has an advanced one.
  • Krissy O.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Krissy O'BrienOctubre 15, 2015
    Ha estado aquí más de 5 veces
    If you go at the right time the machines are empty and you have your choice. I do zumba at 10:15am for 45 minutes then the stairmaster for 30 minutes the bike for 30 minutes then go to the gym.
  • Krissy O.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Krissy O'BrienOctubre 15, 2015
    Ha estado aquí más de 5 veces
    The excercise classes are great the machines are good and the gym.
  • Alex L.
    Alex LJulio 17, 2013
    Ha estado aquí más de 25 veces
    Watch out when parking in front of the Y, Malden Parking Authority is making a fortune ticketing people.
  • Andie A.
    Andie Andrea LaRosaJulio 11, 2011
    The Zumba classes taught by Joy are terrific. She's super nice and encouraging, even for beginners!
  • Kimberly G.
    Kimberly GozaAgosto 10, 2011
    Fee for AWAY members from outside the Tri-Statee area. Phooey. We already pay for membership.
  • Mocha S.
    Mocha SpiceJulio 21, 2010
    Ha estado aquí más de 10 veces
    Great fitness classes like Zumba and swimming! Leer más
  • Doug B.
    Doug BanksEnero 10, 2010
    Futsal practices on Sundays in the newly refurbished basketball courts/gymnasium. Revere FC U-11s
  • Tammy J.
    Tammy JonesFebrero 11, 2011
    Swim team is awesome.
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