Khandice Ocreene

Khandice Ocreene


I paint, I draw, I wood burn, and i play my Xbox like nobody's business. I have an amazing son, a crime fighting dog, and an aggressive pet bear.

Mesa, AZ
  • 10 tips
  • 4 seguidores
  • 3 siguiendo
  • 2 Listas

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Las mejores ciudades de Khandice
1 Tip
7 Tips
2 Tips
Khandice Ocreene
1 lugares actualizados
1 lugar incluyendo Diamond Body Art
Khandice Ocreene
3 lugares actualizados
3 lugares incluyendo McGaugh's Smoke And Bottle, GameStop, Diamond Body Art
Listas de KhandiceListas que Khandice creóListas que Khandice siguió
"We have some awesome, affordable jewelry for Halloween! <belly button and tongue rungs!>"
Khandice OcreeneKhandice Ocreene · Octubre 10, 2012
Tienda de piercings
· Mesa, Estados Unidos
"Make your own 6 pack. Fabulous!"
Khandice OcreeneKhandice Ocreene · Septiembre 9, 2012
· Flagstaff, Estados Unidos
"Not really a family atmosphere. The waitress treated me and my one year old son like a disease to the rest of the restaurant. People who came in after me got their sushi faster than me."
Khandice OcreeneKhandice Ocreene · Agosto 26, 2012
· Gilbert, Estados Unidos
"Piercing pagoda! We will pierce your ears for free!! Right now [8.4.12] buy 1 get 1 half off! Gold, diamonds, even body jewelry!"
Khandice OcreeneKhandice Ocreene · Agosto 4, 2012
Centro comercial
· Mesa, Estados Unidos
"Buy one get one half off! Including diamonds, gold hoops....everything! Also applies to ear piercing!!"
Khandice OcreeneKhandice Ocreene · Agosto 4, 2012
Tienda de piercings
· Mesa, Estados Unidos
"Buy 2 body jewelry get 1 free! This weekend only!"
Khandice OcreeneKhandice Ocreene · Julio 27, 2012
Tienda de piercings
· Mesa, Estados Unidos