Mike Fazelian

Mike Fazelian


Mike Fazelian is an accomplished photographer and videographer based in Los Angeles. He has refined his skills over the past decade into a fulfilling profession

Niles, IL
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Mike Fazelian
1 lugares actualizados Julio 27, 2016
Greece is a country in southeastern Europe consisting of 2 mainland peninsulas and thousands of islands throughout the Aegean and Ionian seas.
Mike Fazelian
1 lugares actualizados Julio 27, 2016
Los Angeles is a sprawling Southern California city famed as the center of the nation’s film and television industry.
Mike Fazelian
1 lugares actualizados Julio 27, 2016
1 lugar incluyendo Downtown Chicago
Mike Fazelian
1 lugares actualizados Julio 27, 2016
Fine art photography stands in contrast to representational photography, such as photojournalism.
Mike Fazelian
0 lugares actualizados
0 sitios
Mike Fazelian
3 lugares actualizados
3 lugares incluyendo Reading Terminal Market, Museo de la Acrópolis, Instituto de Arte de Chicago
    "Reading terminal has all the fresh foods for your cooking needs and taste buds,"
    Mike FazelianMike Fazelian · Julio 27, 2016
    Patio de comidas
    · Filadelfia, Estados Unidos
    "Whether you’re a native of the land or traveling on vacation, there are some things that you need to know about Greece before you make your next visit."
    Mike FazelianMike Fazelian · Julio 27, 2016
    Puerto/Puerto deportivo
    · La Canea, Grecia