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Café y Confitería€€€
Esquilino, Roma
  • Tips
    "Great spot for an afternoon espresso (café expreso) and savory snack."(12 Tips)
    Cross Pollinate Travel
    "tea-time snack (picoteo) or an aperitif."(3 Tips)
    Stavros V.
    "A bit expensive (caro), a bit classy/pretentious but the food it great."(9 Tips)
    Chris S.
    "Amazing croissants (cruasán)"(2 Tips)
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  • comida de desayuno
  • cruasán
  • buen servicio
  • brunch
  • buen valor
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  • Alan x.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Alan x el mundoJunio 1, 2015
    Espresso y pan dulce!
  • Jorge Martin G.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Jorge Martin GiménezSeptiembre 17, 2016
    Crodino muy rico
  • Laurie G.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Necesito algo más q Pan. Aparte de eso, es bueno dentro de su tipo.
  • O P.
    O POctubre 16, 2013
    They have an unlimited buffet for 15 Euros + one free drink. You get to sample lots of different Italian specialties you would typically never order anywhere else. So come hungry & sample Italian food
  • Maxine V.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Maxine VanvuchelenAbril 30, 2018
    The cornetti with cream and chocolate were delicious, although a bit sugary. They have a big shop with lots of Italian products. The espresso and cappuccino were great!
  • Hilal E.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Hilal ErbaşFebrero 13, 2018
    Bu bölgeye yakınsanız bir sabah kahvaltısı için mutlaka uğrayın. Hem ortam çok güzel hem cornetto cappucino nefis😋 Başka seçenekler de mevcut tabi. Hepsi taze taze.
  • Susanna B.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Susanna B.Septiembre 20, 2015
    homemade crossaints and a lot of other different sweets! Order over the counter and the women will assemble it for you. tipical italian!
  • Ksenia S.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Ksenia SlavnikovaDiciembre 30, 2014
    Одно из лучших мест в Риме! Кажется, существует с 1929г. Попробуйте кофе (капучино, например) с кремом забайоне! И аперитивы прекрасные.
  • jenni t.
    jenni tapanilaJulio 20, 2019
    6-10pm is happy hour; cocktails and other drinks with a nice aperitif plate 10 euros. a bit posh place but nice terrace & wifi.
  • Liya K.
    Liya KotolashviliAbril 2, 2017
    Spritz Panella is soo good! Definitely worth trying. When ordering pizza you need to precise exactly which one you prefer as the "normal" one is veggy pizza and not margherita.
  • Madai Lama
    Madai LamaSeptiembre 21, 2013
    The prices are quite expensive but if you are looking for great quality food (fresh & bio) and a cool concept, this could be a great option (1 pasta+1 salad+1 orange juice+ 2 waters= €30)
  • AbdulAziz 👨🏻‍⚕️icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    مكان جميل ولابد من زيارته للافطار، عندهم المخبوزات جدا لذيذة 💙 لا تفوتون القهوة ☕️
  • Rita N.
    Rita NarzisiOctubre 26, 2013
    Ottimo aperitivo, vario e ricercato. Un po' più caro della media ma il prezzo è più che giustificato da una qualità eccellente. Buonissima la cacio e pepe con liquirizia!
    Votación a favor hace Jan 10
  • Jeep-People
    Jeep-PeopleJulio 2, 2012
    La pizza bianca farcita con la mortadella è leggendaria; provatela nel piccolo bar dove gustare anche uno dei loro eccellenti caffè. E non dimenticate di fare check-in per l’invito al Party Jeep®.
  • Rebeccaicono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    RebeccaMarzo 1, 2015
    Aperitivo con buffet illimitato di ottima qualità. 18€ con cocktail incluso. Vale assolutamente il prezzo! Da provare anche gli analcolici con abbonamenti di gusto particolari. Consigliato!
  • Jackson T.
    Jackson TsaiSeptiembre 7, 2014
    Local favorite spot! You can self serve or sit down to order, remember the price is nearly half if you self serve!
  • Eva D.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Eva DardoumpaJulio 15, 2018
    The coffee is very good and the lemon pie we had! But the problem is the service, very late, 3 times people just leave the place because no one came!
  • Jeep-People
    Jeep-PeopleJulio 2, 2012
    The pizza bianca filled with mortadella is legendary - try it at the tiny bar, which is also the spot to down one of their excellent coffees. Check-in to receive an invitation to the Jeep® Party.
  • Laurenicono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    LaurenMarzo 30, 2014
    Great spot for an afternoon espresso and savory snack. For desert get a pastry to go from Pasticceria Regoli around the corner.
  • Nicole S.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Nicole SmallMarzo 9, 2014
    Try the ham and cheese croissant! Plus they have an amazing cream made with yolks and sugar that they'll add to your coffee - divine!
  • Arianna T.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Arianna TrakakiSeptiembre 25, 2016
    Had a lovely breakfast in the terrace. Great atmosphere and super quick service.
  • Stavros V.
    Stavros VassosNoviembre 20, 2014
    Probably one of the best aperitivo places in Rome. A bit expensive, a bit classy/pretentious but the food it great. Yep.
  • Aurélie P.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Aurélie PerezFebrero 29, 2016
    Très bonnes pâtisseries, beaucoup de choix et une épicerie. C'est sûr on repart les mains pleines...
  • Zineta E.
    Zineta EminiNoviembre 8, 2016
    Great selection of pastries. Place is cosy and staff is friendly and helpful. Great for a coffee and breakfast.
  • Joycelyn S.
    Joycelyn SeetMayo 2, 2014
    Best cappuccino I've had in my one week in Italy so far. Freshly made, tasty food too. Highly recommended 👍
  • Cross Pollinate Travel
    Expensive, but beautiful and great place for coffee in the morning, a tea-time snack or an aperitif. They make nice juice-cocktails both with and without alcohol.
  • Don D.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Don DeedoSeptiembre 14, 2013
    When you are in Rome you need you stop and visit this pretty place to melt your self with great collections of cheese and great breads .. All on one roof !
  • Adrian V.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Adrian V.Mayo 13, 2017
    Beautiful hipster breakfast place, with lots of things to try.
  • Emily J.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Emily JenkinsSeptiembre 7, 2019
    Really delicious! Tea cappuccino two pastries was €10. High quality. Tea expensive, but gave biscuits.
  • Isabela L.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Isabela LapaOctubre 15, 2014
    Crepe delicioso, doces deliciosos, decoração fofa e ambiente agradável!
  • Kateřina Š.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    One of the best coffee I havd ever had. Capuccino only for 1,40€ which I consider to be really good deal.
  • Yvonne D.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Yvonne DrebesNoviembre 14, 2017
    Toller selbst gemachter Kuchen und leckerer Kaffee!
  • Harshicono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    HarshEnero 5, 2015
    The pastries are fantastic. The staff is very friendly if you are polite (and speak a little italian)
  • didem y.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    didem yapiciNoviembre 19, 2018
    Cikolatali krovasan inanilmaz lezzetli kahveleri de guzel disarda oturulabiliyor fiyatlari makul kahvalti icin iyi bir secim.
  • Urban Cool f.
    Urban Cool fun guideFebrero 7, 2015
    Sweet or salty, food store, bakery, winebar.. expect very high prices but also lovely food dreams! A must try
  • Mattia B.
    Mattia BressonMayo 9, 2013
    Ha estado aquí más de 25 veces
    Best best best in town!!!! Breakfast, lunch, aperitivo, dinner.. bread pizza sweets... just stop by! Wonderful!
  • Muhammed Y.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Muhammed YildizSeptiembre 8, 2017
    Great espresso in authentic italian surroundings
  • Funda G.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Funda GencyigitogluAbril 19, 2024
    Super Service, die Pizzen und das Dessert hat super geschmeckt! Immer wieder gern!!!
  • Massimo C.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Massimo CiminitiSeptiembre 29, 2015
    Chi è Romano non può non essere stato da Panella, paste dolci sempre ad alti livelli, buonissimo il cappuccino, particolare il caffè,il pane? buonissimo ma non pensate di pagarlo come al supermercato.
  • Andrew O BC 翁.
    Andrew O BC 翁Marzo 17, 2015
    Great value of brunch foods & tasty of the coffee. Beautiful environment here.
  • Önder B.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Önder BingölEnero 10, 2019
    Great breads and pizzas by the slice. Great place for a quick lunch.
  • Leo S.
    Leo SkirhoNoviembre 2, 2011
    Forse uno dei migliori aperitivi di roma,ottima qualità e varietà di cibi serviti in maniera carina.prezzo 12€ un pò sopra la media,da frequentare ma non tutti i giorni.consigliatissimi i panzerotti
  • Ellie R.
    Ellie RountreeAbril 20, 2013
    The best apertivo I've had in Rome. A bit expensive, but worth every penny. Love!!!!!
  • Anastasiya P.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Anastasiya PetrovaMarzo 9, 2017
    Хороший кофе и восхитительная выпечка
  • jenni t.
    jenni tapanilaJulio 21, 2019
    some of the staff is rude, some extremely polite (not sure if looking like a poor tourist has something to do with it). sundays before 12 kitchen is closed but you can get select portions from inside
  • Fabienicono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    FabienMayo 4, 2017
    Parfait pour un petit déjeuner en terrasse !
  • Spotted by Locals - city guides by locals
    Pizza ai fiori di zucca (zucchini flowers) is the best one! Leer más
  • Pedro A.
    Pedro AEnero 28, 2016
    Really nice buffet. Paid 15€ and ate everything I could. The drinks are good.
  • Louis Vuitton
    Louis VuittonEnero 26, 2012
    After tasting a white pizza with zucchini from this traditional bakery, you will definitely have trouble uttering the words "it's just bread!"
  • Michał B.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Michał BijataAgosto 22, 2015
    Best for beeakfasts! Very pleasant service
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