Riga by locals

1. Gan Bei

Stacijas Laukums 2 (T/c Origo), Riga, Riga
Restaurante japonés · Centrs · 75 tips y reseñas

AnnetAnnet: If you prefer vegetarian meal, try the Miso soup, basmati rice with vegetables and Veggie maki. And delicious chocolate cake with cherries and cream cheese Mascarpone for dessert.

YoYo Frozen Yoghurt is one of Riga by locals.

2. YoYo Frozen Yoghurt

Krišjāņa Barona iela 10 (Alfrēda Kalniņa iela), Rīga, None
Tienda de yogur helado · Centrs · 64 tips y reseñas

3. Tinto Vīna Telpa

Elizabetes iela 61, Riga, Riga
Bar de vinos · Centrs · 36 tips y reseñas

LiveRigaLiveRiga: Enjoy untraditional wines and Spanish tapas for friendly prices!

4. Fortas restorāns

Aspazijas bulvāris 32 ((bij. Foodie)), Riga, Riga
Restaurante · Vecrīga · 24 tips y reseñas

Valērija K.Valērija Kaminska: The place is wonderful, cosy and very elegant. Prices are reasonably high. If you're looking mainly for a nice atmosphere than you can just as well order a soup (1LVL) or Italian bruchetta (1.5LVL).

Piemineklis Andrejam Upitim is one of Riga by locals.

5. Piemineklis Andrejam Upitim

Kalpaka bulvāris (Kalpaka bulvaris), Riga, Riga
Jardín de esculturas · Centrs · No hay tips ni reseñas

6. Vērmanes dārzs

Krišjāņa Barona iela (Elizabetes iela), Riga, Riga
Parque · Centrs · 64 tips y reseñas

Mareks M.Mareks Matisons [marruciic™]: Vērmanes dārzs (Verman garden) is second oldest park in Riga. Nowadays - a fine and tidy place with a nice open air concert hall.

Vīna studija is one of Riga by locals.

7. Vīna studija

Stabu iela 30, Riga, Riga
Bodega · Centrs · 64 tips y reseñas

Gatis R.Gatis Rozenfelds: *Noteikti pamēģiniet Karl May Weissburgunder 2010 (Vācija) [Gada Vīns 2011]

Baltezers is one of Riga by locals.

8. Baltezers

Garkalne, Garkalnes novads
Aldea · 8 tips y reseñas
K. Suns (Kino Suns) is one of Riga by locals.

9. K. Suns (Kino Suns)

Elizabetes iela 83/85, Riga, Riga
Cine independiente · Centrs · 15 tips y reseñas
Fantasy Park is one of Riga by locals.

10. Fantasy Park

Mūkusalas 71, Riga, Riga
Bowling · Torņakalns · 29 tips y reseñas
Brain Games is one of Riga by locals.

11. Brain Games

Krišjāņa Barona iela 55 (Bruņinieku), Riga, Riga
Juguetería · Centrs · 13 tips y reseñas

12. Fazenda Bazaar

Baznīcas iela 14, Riga, Riga
Café · Centrs · 107 tips y reseñas

Anna P.Anna Plaggue: Gorgeous old-fashioned interior and goog choise of food. The menu only on Latvian yet. Try unusual salads and hot meals.

13. Berga Bazārs

Marijas iela 13 (btw Elizabetes & Dzirnavu), Riga, Riga
Plaza · Centrs · 26 tips y reseñas

Anna P.Anna Plaggue: See the scedule by "slow food" when berga bazars is full of hand-made, design products and food on plan-air. Interesting shopping!

Juglas ezers (Jugla Lake) is one of Riga by locals.

14. Juglas ezers (Jugla Lake)

Brīvības gatve (Berģu iela), Riga, Riga
Playa · Jugla · 8 tips y reseñas
Andrejsala is one of Riga by locals.

15. Andrejsala

Andrejostas iela, Riga, Riga
Puerto · Pētersala-Andrejsala · 20 tips y reseñas
Vecāķu pludmale is one of Riga by locals.

16. Vecāķu pludmale

Selgas iela 20, Riga, Riga
Playa · Vecāķi · 48 tips y reseñas
Fazenda is one of Riga by locals.

17. Fazenda

Nometņu Iela 7, Riga, Riga
Gastropub · Āgenskalns · 154 tips y reseñas
Bang Bang Shop & Coffee is one of Riga by locals.

18. Bang Bang Shop & Coffee

Kalēju 18/20 (Teātra), Riga, Riga
Tienda de ropa · Vecrīga · 20 tips y reseñas
Kūkotava is one of Riga by locals.

19. Kūkotava

Tērbatas iela 12-1 (btw Dzirnavu & Elizabetes), Riga, Riga
Panadería · Centrs · 77 tips y reseñas
LIDO Vērmanītis is one of Riga by locals.

20. LIDO Vērmanītis

Elizabetes iela 65 (Tērbatas iela), Riga, Riga
Bistró · Centrs · 212 tips y reseñas
TurKebab is one of Riga by locals.

21. TurKebab

Vaļņu iela 26 (Teātra iela), Riga, Riga
Restaurante de kebab · Vecrīga · 91 tips y reseñas

22. K|I|D*

Tērbatas 41/43 (Ģertrūdes iela), Riga, Riga
Restaurante · Centrs · 53 tips y reseñas

Alina T.Alina Turcenko: большое какао, холодный чай с манго и мятой - ммм ))

23. Index Cafe

16 Šķūņu St (btw Tirgoņu & Amatu), Riga, Riga
Lugar de sándwiches · Vecrīga · 22 tips y reseñas

Sasha D.Sasha Dubjaga: Отличное место, с вкусным кофе, сендвичами и супами дня. Добрый и приветливый персонал. Уютно и тепло.

24. Kabuki

Tērbatas iela 46, Riga, Riga
Restaurante japonés · Centrs · 22 tips y reseñas

ᴡ M.ᴡ Mednis: Get 50% discount every month on 10th till end of 2010.

25. Stock Pot

Ģertrūdes iela 6, Rīga, LV-1010, Riga, Riga
Restaurante asiático · Centrs · 81 tips y reseñas

Pirja I.Pirja I: Fantastic food, even better service. Buy two glasses of wine and get a free cheese plate. Many vegetarian options, also vegan dishes. Highly recommended!

26. Index Cafe

Brīvības bulvāris 32 (btwn. Merķeļa & Raiņa), Riga, Riga
Café · Centrs · 103 tips y reseñas

AnnetAnnet: Good cappuccino, nice music, Wi-Fi password - indexcafe45

Piens is one of Riga by locals.

27. Piens

Aristida Briāna 9, Riga, Riga
Club nocturno · Centrs · 120 tips y reseñas

28. Cuba Cafe

Jauniela 15, Riga, Riga
Bar de cócteles · Vecrīga · 93 tips y reseñas

Edgars T.Edgars Turlajs: Happy hours working days from 16 till 20 Leer más.

29. Kalnciema kvartāls

Riga, Riga
Barrio · 56 tips y reseñas

LiveRigaLiveRiga: The freshly renovated district of wooden houses offers regular Saturday fairs / markets with all kinds of nice things and entertainments for the whole family.

Galleria Riga is one of Riga by locals.

30. Galleria Riga

Dzirnavu iela 67 (Brīvības iela), Riga, Riga
Centro comercial · Centrs · 112 tips y reseñas

31. T/P Alfa

Brīvības gatve 372 (Tirdzniecības parks Alfa), Riga, Riga
Centro comercial · Teika · 73 tips y reseñas

LiveRigaLiveRiga: All-in-one: groceries, clothes, shoes, fast-food, slow-food, cinema and fun.

Stockmann is one of Riga by locals.

32. Stockmann

13. janvāra iela 8 (Gogoļa iela), Riga, Riga
Gran tienda · Maskavas forštate · 121 tips y reseñas

33. Mercado Central de Riga

(Rīgas Centrāltirgus)
Nēģu iela 7, Riga, Riga
Mercado de productos de granja · Maskavas forštate · 114 tips y reseñas

Anatolijs R.Anatolijs Ropotovs: #UltimateRiga: Wonder around the endless pavilions of an enormous food market and grab tasty local products - look for the longest lines inside pavilions and make sure it's not imported.

Ziedoņdārzs is one of Riga by locals.

34. Ziedoņdārzs

Matīsa iela (Artilērijas iela), Riga, Riga
Parque · 43 tips y reseñas

Mareks M.Mareks Matisons [marruciic™]: A special place in Riga. A great inspiration in this architect's Andrejs Zeidaks park will surround you. It's a great place and has a wonderful - renovated garden fountain. Must see!.

35. Monumento a la Libertad

(Brīvības piemineklis)
Brīvības bulv. (Raiņa bulv.), Riga, Riga
Monumento · Centrs · 45 tips y reseñas

Raimonds_BRaimonds_B: The Freedom Monument is a memorial located in Riga, Latvia honoring soldiers killed during the Latvian War of Independence (1918–1920). It is considered an important symbol of the freedom

36. Kronvalda parks

Kalpaka bulvaris (Elizabetes Iela), Riga, Riga
Parque · Centrs · 39 tips y reseñas

Arjan T.Arjan Tupan: Follow the 3 white lines and you have a running route of approximately 1.2 km.

37. Mežaparks

Meža Prospekts (Viestura prospekts), Riga, Riga
Parque · Mežaparks · 55 tips y reseñas

LiveRigaLiveRiga: Massive park area right next to Riga Zoo. Go on a bike ride or take a nice slow walk, breathe in the fresh air and enjoy the moment!

Muffins And More is one of Riga by locals.

38. Muffins And More

Ģertrūdes iela 9, Riga, Riga
Tienda de magdalenas · Centrs · 65 tips y reseñas

39. Pusdienotava "Telpa"

Matīsa iela 8 (Brīvības Iela), Riga, Riga
Restaurante de Europa Moderna · Centrs · 52 tips y reseñas

Bucīgā B.Bucīgā Buka: Best place in Riga with ecological food!

Kalnciema kvartāls is one of Riga by locals.

40. Kalnciema kvartāls

Riga, Riga
Barrio · 56 tips y reseñas