Rochester Academy of Music and Arts

Rochester Academy of Music and Arts

Escuela de música y Lugar de música
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Rochester Academy of Music and Arts
Rochester Academy of Music and Arts
Enero 30, 2014
Foto tomada en Rochester Academy of Music and Arts  por Rochester Academy of Music and Arts el 1/30/2014
Rochester Academy of Music and Arts
Rochester Academy of Music and Arts
Enero 30, 2014
Foto tomada en Rochester Academy of Music and Arts  por Rochester Academy of Music and Arts el 1/30/2014
Rochester Academy of Music and Arts
Rochester Academy of Music and Arts
Enero 30, 2014
Foto tomada en Rochester Academy of Music and Arts  por Rochester Academy of Music and Arts el 1/30/2014
Rochester Academy of Music and Arts
Rochester Academy of Music and Arts
Enero 30, 2014
Foto tomada en Rochester Academy of Music and Arts  por Rochester Academy of Music and Arts el 1/30/2014
Kids love it here. Lessons are fun. And the new playroom is so cute!
Danielle B.
Danielle B.
Abril 18, 2018
Kids love it here. Lessons are fun. And the new playroom is so cute!
My kids both take piano and my daughter also takes voice. My favorite thing is that they get to take at the same time. We also love all the events.
Donna M.
Donna M.
Marzo 11, 2018
My kids both take piano and my daughter also takes voice. My favorite thing is that they get to take at the same time. We also love all the events.
Joe L.
Joe L.
Mayo 15, 2014
Foto tomada en Rochester Academy of Music and Arts  por Joe L. el 5/15/2014
Joe L.
Joe L.
Octubre 16, 2013
Foto tomada en Rochester Academy of Music and Arts  por Joe L. el 10/16/2013
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