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Seaway Mall

Seaway Mall

Centro comercial
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    Seaway M.
    "engagements or just because gifts (regalo)!"(3 Tips)
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  • Seaway Mallicono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Seaway MallJunio 16, 2014
    Scoop up the Savings with Bulk Barn – Save $3 on $10 coupon available here http://goo.gl/qmVXAH
  • @yulnul911
    @yulnul911Julio 18, 2013
    If you are in from out of town you are entitled to a 10$ gift certificate at the mall. Find the coupon in your hotel room and redeem it at the Customer Service desk. Some conditions apply. Enjoy.
  • Seaway Mallicono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Seaway MallJunio 12, 2014
    Enter to win a Father’s Day Golf Prize Pack valued at $200 – enter at Customer Service!
  • Seaway M.
    Seaway MallJunio 26, 2012
    Divine Diamonds is having a 50% off Sale all of June, July and August! Perfect for birthdays, anniversaries, engagements or just because gifts!
  • Capt. John S.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Capt. John SwallowOctubre 23, 2016
    Ha estado aquí más de 10 veces
    Ye Old Squire Pub has great food. Lots of mobile phone service & sales.
  • Seaway Mallicono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Seaway MallJulio 23, 2014
    The Mobile Dental Clinic will be in our front part lot JULY 24 from 9:30am-3pm offering FREE dental services to youth 17 yrs and younger.
  • Dayna V.
    Dayna VOctubre 28, 2011
    Ha estado aquí más de 25 veces
    Always amazing sales here at seaway check out bootlegger and campus crew for huge savings
  • Seaway Mallicono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Seaway MallJunio 9, 2014
    BLUENOTES CRAZY SUMMER BLOWOUT SALE! Everything in the store is $10 or less!
  • Seaway Mallicono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Seaway MallMayo 12, 2014
    Bloomin’ Crazy Garden Centre NOW OPEN in the front parking lot! Come on Spring!!
  • Seaway Mallicono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Seaway MallJulio 25, 2013
    Seaway Mall Summer Sidewalk Sale extended to July 28th, 2013!
  • Jim K.
    Jim KalogerakosAgosto 10, 2010
    Check Seaway Mall's Facebook page every week. They give away gift certs worth $25+ every week.
  • @yulnul911
    @yulnul911Julio 18, 2013
    New Target Store
  • Seaway M.
    Seaway MallJulio 17, 2012
    Sport Chek opening October 2012 and Target opening summer 2013!
  • Seaway M.
    Seaway MallAbril 4, 2012
    Look out for Sport Chek! Opening late 2012!
  • Seaway Mallicono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Seaway MallJulio 25, 2013
    Target Welland NOW OPEN
  • Oksana  L.
    Oksana  LesiaAgosto 20, 2011
    Forgot how crummy this mall is. Huge #wasteoftime and gas!! Skip it here and go to the pen!!
  • Brianna ..
    Brianna .Mayo 20, 2013
    Not very many good stores. But good sales sometimes
  • Dayna V.
    Dayna VOctubre 28, 2011
    Ha estado aquí más de 25 veces
    Brand name ts are on sale atarlies
  • Dayna V.
    Dayna VOctubre 26, 2011
    Ha estado aquí más de 25 veces
    Check out arlies 90%off sale
  • Brenda B.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Brenda BoulangerAbril 23, 2013
    Nothing's opened here until 10! Off to Walmart then
  • allison s.
    allison shillingtonDiciembre 21, 2010
    Not much here... you are much better off to drive to St. Catharines or Niagara Falls.
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