Sara Alotaibi

Sara Alotaibi


  • 10 tips
  • 14 seguidores
  • 5 siguiendo
  • 5 Listas

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Las mejores ciudades de Sara
1 Lista creada
1 Lista creada · 10 Tips
1 Lista creada
Sara Alotaibi
2 lugares actualizados Agosto 6, 2018
2 lugares incluyendo Villa Doria Pamphilj, Villa Borghese
Sara Alotaibi
8 lugares actualizados Noviembre 9, 2021
8 lugares incluyendo Sylvain Depuichaffray, Museo de las Civilizaciones de Europa y del Mediterráneo (MuCEM), Parque Borély, Restaurant Peron
Sara Alotaibi
21 lugares actualizados Abril 26, 2018
21 lugares incluyendo Diamond, Alfaisaliah Ladies ESPA, Nard Cafe, Let's pizza
Sara Alotaibi
0 lugares actualizados
0 sitios
Sara Alotaibi
6 lugares actualizados
6 lugares incluyendo Let's pizza, Alfaisaliah Ladies ESPA, CRUST CORNER, The Nail Corner
Listas de SaraListas que Sara creóListas que Sara siguió
Tips recientes de Sara
"They had no desserts available but offered us one of the yummiest complimentary cakes! It was kind of hard to get to if u follow google maps, located at the last entrance keeping the mall on ur right"
Sara AlotaibiSara Alotaibi · Agosto 16, 2019
· Riad, Arabia Saudí
"Went to this place with some colleagues to celebrate the launch of one of our biggest projects, the foods were a hit and miss but mostly yum!"
Sara AlotaibiSara Alotaibi · Agosto 16, 2019
· Riad, Arabia Saudí
"I always enjoy their massages and facials! Added plus: they put a nice mask on your scalp at the end of your massage and you’re transferred to a nice relaxing room to enjoy some refreshments 🍹"
Sara AlotaibiSara Alotaibi · Agosto 16, 2019
· Riad, Arabia Saudí
"It’s a hit or miss with this place :/"
Sara AlotaibiSara Alotaibi · Agosto 16, 2019
· Riad, Arabia Saudí
"Loved their buffalo chicken sandwich although they can lay off the buffalo sauce a bit. Their salads are also great, i usually order the salad with apples and walnuts!"
Sara AlotaibiSara Alotaibi · Agosto 16, 2019
Lugar de sándwiches
· Riad, Arabia Saudí
"Amazing atmosphere! The area feels so open and inviting with great music.. my sister bought a birthday package for me where they added balloons to my chair and played a birthday song 🥳"
Sara AlotaibiSara Alotaibi · Agosto 16, 2019
Salón de belleza
· Riad, Arabia Saudí