Thrillist HQ

Thrillist HQ

SoHo, New York
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  • Thrillist
    ThrillistAgosto 19, 2013
    With its unusually attractive staff, generously stocked bar, and wall space adorned with golden animal heads, TMG proves to be a wonderful place to work for those who like nice things.
  • David P.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    David PessahJunio 12, 2012
    Ha estado aquí más de 100 veces
    If both elevators open at the same time, dont get in with artsy looking kids or pregnant women, they are going to floors 2 and 3.
  • Anthony G.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Anthony GomezAgosto 12, 2014
    Chill space. Lots of booze available, open & comfortable.
  • Stephanie P.
    Stephanie P.Junio 23, 2014
    Ha estado aquí más de 100 veces
    If you're interested in working at Thrillist (especially in tech or product!) email me your resume and info at: :D.
  • Benjamin P.
    Benjamin PopperAgosto 16, 2011
    Ben Lerer takes the stairs between Thrillist and his offices at Lerer Ventures, so catch him here for a 60 second pitch.
  • Rev C.
    Rev CiancioAgosto 24, 2011
    Ha estado aquí más de 100 veces
    If the Internet is down, It's Chris' fault. If it's working, you can thank Mike.
  • Eric K.
    Eric KramerMayo 4, 2011
    Ha estado aquí más de 25 veces
    Don't get Ben mad at you when he is swinging swords like Conan the late night talk show host.
  • Thrillist
    ThrillistJunio 8, 2012
    A blackjack table and a... female pillow
  • Eric C.
    Eric CanoFebrero 7, 2013
    Ha estado aquí más de 5 veces
    If you need booze in a pinch hit up Eric Kramer.
  • Mike S.
    Mike SingletonOctubre 21, 2010
    Have you tried the Thrillist branded toilet in the lobby? Don't. Apparently it's just for display.
  • Tom H.
    Tom HahnJunio 8, 2012
    What is thrillist?
  • Hollywood Half
    Hollywood HalfAgosto 19, 2011
    Peep the branded toilet
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