Tico Lagemann

Tico Lagemann

São Paulo
  • 9 tips
  • 24 seguidores
  • 24 siguiendo
  • 4 Listas

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Las mejores ciudades de Tico
São Paulo
1 Lista creada · 4 Tips
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1 Tip
Tico Lagemann
7 lugares actualizados Noviembre 10, 2021
The best bars and nightclubs Sao Paulo has to offer.
Tico Lagemann
7 lugares actualizados
7 lugares incluyendo MyNY Bar, Applebee's, Chocolândia, Bar Secreto
Tico Lagemann
0 lugares actualizados
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Listas de TicoListas que Tico creóListas que Tico siguió
"The drinks are very sweet so I always add water with them. The best desert is the rice yogurt!!!!!"
Tico LagemannTico Lagemann · Marzo 13, 2012
Bar al aire libre
· Brasil
"Fair prices for the beautiful view. Try to go at a night were there are no clouds so the view even gets better. Don't go when it rains!!"
Tico LagemannTico Lagemann · Marzo 12, 2012
Bar de hotel
· São Paulo, Brasil
"Fair prices for that it has a beautiful view. Try to go at a night were there are no clouds so the view even gets better. Don't go when it rains!!"
Tico LagemannTico Lagemann · Marzo 12, 2012
Bar de hotel
· São Paulo, Brasil
"First check in the airport, then check in at the check-in Gol, then go get a snack and check in and then check in a embarque to make a shit load of points!!!!!"
Tico LagemannTico Lagemann · Febrero 26, 2012
Viajes y transporte
· Florianópolis, Brasil
"Mr. Rumpsteak, weithin das Beste!"
Tico LagemannTico Lagemann · Febrero 13, 2012
· Hamburgo, Alemania
"When it's too loud downstairs because of little kids, then go to the quit area which is upstairs."
Tico LagemannTico Lagemann · Febrero 9, 2012
· São Paulo, Brasil