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Lunch 28th May

1. Corner Bakery Cafe

35 Crescent Drive, (at Downtown Pleasant Hill), Pleasant Hill, CA
Panadería · 11 tips y reseñas

Mark B.Mark Bauer: The BBLT is is a treat, especially with a lemonade

Lazy Dog Restaurant & Bar is one of Lunch 28th May.

2. Lazy Dog Restaurant & Bar

1961 Diamond Blvd (at Iron Horse Regional Tr), Concord, CA
Restaurante de nueva cocina americana · 45 tips y reseñas

3. Chipotle Mexican Grill

552 Contra Costa Blvd, Pleasant Hill, CA
Restaurante mexicano · 1 tip

JasonJason: Super Pro Tip: When ordering a side of guacamole, request it in a burrito bowl. You may get a funny look or even some push back, but do it. You will get a ton more.

4. Los Gallos Taqueria

4530 Clayton Rd, Concord, CA
Restaurante mexicano · 8 tips y reseñas

Pamela F.Pamela Fukui: Very friendly and huge portions:)

The Old Spaghetti Factory is one of Lunch 28th May.

5. The Old Spaghetti Factory

1955 Mount Diablo St (at Salvio St.), Concord, CA
Restaurante italiano · Downtown Concord · 20 tips y reseñas

Crystal T.Crystal Tolentino: Chicken piccata is amazing!