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Restaurante de gastronomía molecular y Restaurante australiano$$$$
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    Jessica D.
    "Chef's tasting menu (menú de prueba) is fantastic!"(2 Tips)
    Ryan S.
    "Ben is an incredible chef (cocineros) and amazing person."(3 Tips)
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  • menú de prueba
  • buen servicio
  • buen valor
  • vino
  • bueno para ocasiones especiales
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  • Tiki P.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Tiki PJulio 15, 2018
    Pretty spectacular, as you'd expect for a restaurant ranked #20 in the world. Definitely worth going to. It's classy and casual at the same time. Each dish is special in its own way.
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  • RolyseeRolydo C.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    RolyseeRolydo CAbril 15, 2018
    One of the most creative dishes I’ve ever had using ants, wild possums, WA marron and kangaroo. A truely Australian dining experience using some of the best ingredients from Australia.
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  • Martin L.
    Martin LevinsAgosto 31, 2013
    Food as art, as theatre. Wonderful, individualized attention from waitstaff, all of whom have a story to tell about each dish, and a longer one about each of the matched wines.
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  • Jicono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    JMayo 16, 2018
    There are some very tasty dishes (Tac'Oz, Imperfect history, marron) but the others are quite unremarkable. The cold smoked apple, salted melon juices are good.
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  • Haiku R.
    Haiku ReviewsEnero 22, 2017
    After the 19 courses, / You wouldn’t know if it’s Chef’s / or Fairy Table. #HaikuReviews
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  • Edwina M.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Edwina McGregorJulio 13, 2017
    An incredible, phenomenal dining extravaganza I will never forget. Four hours. 19 courses. Get the wine pairing for the full experience – it's worth it!
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  • Asaliah .
    Asaliah 🐰Mayo 7, 2014
    Must try restaurant in Melbourne. Ranked 32 in the World's 50 Best Restaurants for 2014. After dining here, u may head to the beach near by. Perfect date spot. :)
    Votación a favor9Votación en contra
  • Rachel R.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Rachel RothEnero 10, 2017
    We got lucky by putting ourselves on the waiting list via their website!
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  • Jessica D.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Jessica D-KAbril 30, 2016
    Amazing service and the sommeliers really know what they are talking about. Chef's tasting menu is fantastic!
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  • Ryan S.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Ryan SarverDiciembre 6, 2016
    One of the best meals I've had in my life. Ben is an incredible chef and amazing person.
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  • Stefan L.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Stefan LesserEnero 24, 2017
    Food and wine was excellent. And the 4-course menu was more that enough food.
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  • Phil N.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Phil NomAbril 6, 2015
    Stunning food, modern 'aussie' at its best
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  • Condé Nast Traveler
    Condé Nast TravelerOctubre 27, 2016
    “Ben Shewry’s cuisine is thought-provoking and unusual... in a good way.” - Simon Rogan, chef/owner of L’Enclume in Cartmel, England Leer más
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  • Nicole A.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Nicole AtkinsonMarzo 4, 2016
    One of the best meals I've ever had!
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  • Cassie W.
    Cassie W.Mayo 8, 2013
    Went on a Tuesday for the experimental 5 course. Amazing service!!
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  • Aaron P.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Aaron PanarioMayo 22, 2016
    Matching Aussie wines were OK... Seemed small pours for the amount paid. Otherwise sensational.
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  • Chiroro
    ChiroroJulio 12, 2013
    Every bite is an unique tongue sensation experience
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  • Joanne P.
    Joanne PoonDiciembre 10, 2010
    One of the best dining experiences I have had. The 8 course degustation is a must.
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  • Wilson Z.
    Wilson ZhouMayo 1, 2014
    Ben Shewry, Natural Antipodean, Cucumbers, Holy Flax, Sauces of Burnet.
    Votación a favor2Votación en contra
  • Humphrey
    HumphreySeptiembre 17, 2010
    Go on a Friday and have the 8 course meal with wine selection. Wow!
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  • Traladadie
    TraladadieMayo 15, 2014
    8 course tasting menu
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  • Ben F.
    Ben FullerAgosto 30, 2013
    Simply Awesome.
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  • خبير مطاعم وطباخ 🌟
    ISH 8/10 ||
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  • Alison H.
    Alison HulmEnero 31, 2012
    Lovage is very green !
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  • Claudia L.
    Claudia LooNoviembre 5, 2010
    Start the meal with snow crab ... Delightful~
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