I adore quirky roadside attractions and this is one of my all-time favs. It's worth the cost to go in the T-Rex's mouth. Take lots of photos! - Kellie, Community Manager
Votación a favor17Votación en contra
Votación a favor hace {14}Dec {Mayo28}, {2014}2024
Very rad. I can't believe how many times I drove by without realizing it was there. The ultimate roadside attraction and perfect place for dino lovers. Inspiration for a place in Fallout New Vegas.
The giant roadside dinosaurs who were featured in Pee Wee's Big Adventure and The Wizard were recently converted into a creationist museum for children. O-M-G. - IFC Staff
No free public restrooms! Not a pit-stop destination (unless you make a purchase at BK to use their restroom), so plan ahead! The dinos are incredible to see!