Good park for dogs if you live close.. Please don't bring your children to this park.. It's not a playground.. I don't bring my dog to your kids playground..
Ren LOVES the amount of running space at Centennial Dog Park! Owners are not so open to chat as much as others have been at the other parks we go to. Absolutely love the foliage and scenery!
Please spay and neuter your dogs! Whenever an unaltered dog shows up the other males will gang up on them, followed by the unaltered dog lashing out and causing fights. Don't act surprised!
Large dog park is always filled w/people either too busy congregating or staring at their phones to notice their dogs. Lots of dog fights, humping, and owners that don't clean up after their dogs.
Beware of the "regular" terrier that likes to put a choke hold death grip on yout dogs neck and wont let go til the owner whistles and rewards it.... I leave when this guy is here
Is you don't like being jumped on...don't go to dog parks. Expect to get dirty and don't wear nice clothes...please don't act pissy when dogs comes with the territory.