I'm not good with sunrises, way too early. I prefer the sunset, best enjoyed while grasping a cool beer. But this one is firmly recommended.. Been here twice and will revisit, SPECTACULAR.
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Votación a favor hace {14}Dec {Mayo25}, {2014}2024
Visiting Bromo is not a shorttour. It takes at least a whole day for you to be able to enjoy everything. That is why you need a place to stay. There is Cemoro Lawang Bromo
You may have heard of Mount Bromo in advance, and consider going there during your vacation. Well, being one of the most iconic volcano in Indonesia. Bromo Mandatory visit. Regards
Awesome experience, loved that place. Come early before the sunrise, and then go to the Bromo mountain after sunrise. Take a warm jacket, it’s terrible cold before the sunrise!
Реально договориться на 400 Тыщ за джип и по 150 взять билеты у того с кем будете договариваться о Джипе. Наверх на своей машине нереально. Круто вверх. Торгуйтесь не сдавайтесь
Worth the hassle to get here and see the sunrise from the mountain. A pretty breathtaking view. The village itself is rather empty. The road there is amazing
1919 년부터 보호 자연 보호 구역 마운트 브로 모는 "모래의 바다"(: Segara Wedi 또는 인도네시아어 Lautan Pasir 자바어)라는 광대 한 평야의 중앙에 자리 잡고 있습니다. 마운트 브로 모를 방문 할 수있는 일반적인 방법은 Cemoro Lawang의 근처 산 마을에서입니다.
Mount Bromo is an active volcano (stratovolcano) and part of the Tengger massif, in East Java. The best views from Mount Bromo to the Sand Sea below and the surrounding volcanoes are at sunrise.
Гигантская туристическая ловушка. В особенности — встреча рассвета. Море людей! Лестница к кратеру весьма условная — подниматься придётся по ровному откосу из вулканического пепла, закрывшему ступени.
waktu pagi hari dan menjelang sore lebih mantep daripada siang. pakai masker, baju hangat, tutup kepala dan sarung tangan.....kalo than dingin usah pakai....
Sympa a faire au lever du soleil mais un peu decevant une fois en haut. C'est une véritable décharge à ordures. Ce qu'ils appellent "sable" est en fait des cendres. Extremement poussiereux...
Mount Bromo, is an active volcano and part of the Tengger massif. At 2,329 metres (7,641 ft) it is not the highest peak, but is the most well known, and is one of the most visited touristattractions.
Bagus bamgeet :) dateng kesini harus pagi2 worth it sih mahal juga, pemandangan sunrisenya ituloo yang ga bisa kebayaaar :)ya gt deh, jangan lupa bawa jaket tiis pisan
Pas liat sunrise Dngin bgt kaya di swiss. Muka kaya lg hadep2an ama frizer. Udah gtu gasempurna lg sunrisenya. sotonya juga KEMAHALAN tp enak. Trus krupuk+aquagelas aja 7rebu. Soto 15rebu. Huu sereet!
must visit venue!! berangkat lah sore agar bisa ngeliat sunrise. Sewa hardtop karena mobil pribadi dilarang masuk. Atau ngojek 100ribu bisa ke semua lokasi. Villa, hotel, atau rumah tersedia.
Gunung Bromo berada di kawasan pelestarian alam Taman Nasional... Bromo Tengger Semeru (TNBTS), terletak pada rangkaian pegunungan berapi yang terbentang sepanjang Pulau Jawa.(Mostrar más)