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Gunung Bromo

Jawa Timur, Probolinggo
  • Tips
    budi s.
    "Jangan lupa bawa jaket (chaqueta), slimut dan kerpus ya, biar badan anget."(12 Tips)
    "Worth the hassle to get here and see the sunrise from the mountain (montaña)."(14 Tips)
    Lusiyana Ika P.
    "Gunung batok, bukit (hills) teletubies, lautan pasir, dan udara yang..."(3 Tips)
    Sneker O.
    "Pake jaket sarung tangan sepatu dan penutup kepala (nuez moscada)"(3 Tips)
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  • Hadi I.
    Hadi IwanNoviembre 3, 2011
    Bromo lg ujan debu. Bw masker Bro...
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  • Peter v.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Peter van BragtSeptiembre 17, 2014
    I'm not good with sunrises, way too early. I prefer the sunset, best enjoyed while grasping a cool beer. But this one is firmly recommended.. Been here twice and will revisit, SPECTACULAR.
    Votación a favor13Votación en contra
    Votación a favor hace {14}Dec {Mayo25}, {2014}2024
  • Taksi B.
    Taksi BromoDiciembre 20, 2017
    Visiting Bromo is not a short tour. It takes at least a whole day for you to be able to enjoy everything. That is why you need a place to stay. There is Cemoro Lawang Bromo
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  • Taksi B.
    Taksi BromoEnero 6, 2017
    You may have heard of Mount Bromo in advance, and consider going there during your vacation. Well, being one of the most iconic volcano in Indonesia. Bromo Mandatory visit. Regards
    Votación a favor3Votación en contra
  • Swiss In Hong Kong .icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Awesome experience, loved that place. Come early before the sunrise, and then go to the Bromo mountain after sunrise. Take a warm jacket, it’s terrible cold before the sunrise!
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  • Eva K.
    Eva KireyonokFebrero 27, 2016
    Реально договориться на 400 Тыщ за джип и по 150 взять билеты у того с кем будете договариваться о Джипе. Наверх на своей машине нереально. Круто вверх. Торгуйтесь не сдавайтесь
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  • Melforssicono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    MelforssJunio 17, 2016
    Worth the hassle to get here and see the sunrise from the mountain. A pretty breathtaking view. The village itself is rather empty. The road there is amazing
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  • Jono A.
    Jono AjaFebrero 8, 2013
    1919 년부터 보호 자연 보호 구역 마운트 브로 모는 "모래의 바다"(: Segara Wedi 또는 인도네시아어 Lautan Pasir 자바어)라는 광대 한 평야의 중앙에 자리 잡고 있습니다. 마운트 브로 모를 방문 할 수있는 일반적인 방법은 Cemoro Lawang의 근처 마을에서입니다.
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  • Superusers Indonesia
    Superusers IndonesiaOctubre 2, 2011
    Mount Bromo is an active volcano (stratovolcano) and part of the Tengger massif, in East Java. The best views from Mount Bromo to the Sand Sea below and the surrounding volcanoes are at sunrise.
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  • Juanda M.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Juanda MuhammadSeptiembre 6, 2015
    spectacular view.. wisata alam yg lengkap. Ada dingin, sabana, gurun pasir, dll. sewa hardtop 700rb buat keliling pananjakan, bromo, lautan pasir, dll.
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  • Николай С.
    Николай СAgosto 10, 2016
    Гигантская туристическая ловушка. В особенности — встреча рассвета. Море людей! Лестница к кратеру весьма условная — подниматься придётся по ровному откосу из вулканического пепла, закрывшему ступени.
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  • Sawung G.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Sawung GalingAbril 22, 2013
    waktu pagi hari dan menjelang sore lebih mantep daripada siang. pakai masker, baju hangat, tutup kepala dan sarung tangan.....kalo than dingin usah pakai....
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  • Romain D.
    Romain DavidAgosto 5, 2012
    Sympa a faire au lever du soleil mais un peu decevant une fois en haut. C'est une véritable décharge à ordures. Ce qu'ils appellent "sable" est en fait des cendres. Extremement poussiereux...
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  • Syafrian A.
    Syafrian AdianandaAgosto 27, 2011
    Mount Bromo, is an active volcano and part of the Tengger massif. At 2,329 metres (7,641 ft) it is not the highest peak, but is the most well known, and is one of the most visited tourist attractions.
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  • Saif A.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Saif AhmadNoviembre 11, 2013
    A beautiful and amazing place you must visit when you're in East Java and you'll love it at your first visit.
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  • Hercules S.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Hercules StrydomMarzo 12, 2018
    Worth waking up early and making the trek up to the mountain. It wasn't as cold as everyone suggested so it's pointless renting a jacket.
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  • Diva A.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Diva AnnisaAgosto 21, 2014
    The view from the bottom of its is already cool yet you can ride a horse or trail through the peak where there is a crater there.
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  • iRMa N.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    iRMa NoFiaNaOctubre 24, 2015
    Bring super thick jackets,gloves etc just like you feel like living in north pole 😝😝 bring small dry snacks with you coz its a tiring journey
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  • Jasicono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    JasAgosto 14, 2014
    The view at sunrise from Mount Penanjakan is stunning. You can see Mount Semeru, the highest in Java, smoking in the back.
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  • Yogi S.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Yogi SidikAgosto 25, 2012
    Ambil waktu pagi hari dan menjelang sore lebih mantep daripada siang. Hati2 bawa masker dari rumah, musim angin debu kemana-mana. Have a nice trip.
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  • Ayden H.
    Ayden HammarOctubre 4, 2013
    Cafe Lava, ideal backpacker accomodation for a couple of nights. Cheap, clean, cosy rooms, hot shower and super helpful staff.
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  • Fil ..icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Fil .Febrero 9, 2015
    👲: From sunrise to sunset. Nice place to take photos. You can catch the moon here 😉
    Votación a favor3Votación en contra
  • Endi G.
    Endi GAbril 16, 2013
    Kalau malamnya abis hujan, pagi sekitar jam 9an di padang pasirnya seru, air di dalam pasir menguap keluar asap/uap air seperti di foto attached.
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  • Farah Q.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Farah QoonitaJulio 22, 2015
    Bagus bamgeet :) dateng kesini harus pagi2 worth it sih mahal juga, pemandangan sunrisenya ituloo yang ga bisa kebayaaar :)ya gt deh, jangan lupa bawa jaket tiis pisan
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  • Daisy S.
    Daisy SantosoAgosto 14, 2012
    It's a must visit in Indonesia!!worth to try for nature traveller especially the sunrise :)
    Votación a favor10Votación en contra
  • Lingga N.
    Lingga Nur Sidik HaiffaniSeptiembre 6, 2014
    Harmonisasi antara hawa dingin dan kehangatan masyarakat tengger. Siapin kostum hangat dan hargai kearifan lokal
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  • rowiya
    rowiyaSeptiembre 22, 2012
    tujuan utama wisatawan asing ke Indonesia setelah Bali, sayang kalo orang Indonesia khususnya yg tinggal di Jawa malah ga pernah :p
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  • Lia P.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Lia PutraJayaAgosto 17, 2014
    Dnt forget to bring double jackets... So cold...cloves .. Just enjoy the scenery.. Amazing n awesomes subhanallah...
    Votación a favor1Votación en contra
  • Fitra D.
    Fitra DellaJunio 11, 2014
    Great view in every spot, but to.many retribution fees. But overall everythings is awesome #mustdo
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  • Eko Yulianto w.
    Sewa Mobil di Malang untuk wisata ke Bromo dan sekitarnya. Siap mengantarkan perjalanan Anda dengan sopir berpengalaman. hub 081.252.180517 (tlp/SMS)
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  • Marioicono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    MarioAbril 2, 2016
    Tempat wisata internasional yg lumayan deket dari surabaya ⛰
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  • Yashinta A.
    Yashinta AyuJulio 7, 2013
    Pas liat sunrise Dngin bgt kaya di swiss. Muka kaya lg hadep2an ama frizer. Udah gtu gasempurna lg sunrisenya. sotonya juga KEMAHALAN tp enak. Trus krupuk+aquagelas aja 7rebu. Soto 15rebu. Huu sereet!
    Votación a favor1Votación en contra
  • Elvira S.
    Elvira SupitMarzo 24, 2013
    Pemandangan yang luar biasa :-) baguuuuusssss juga buat prewed or other photoshoot....
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  • Dima R.
    Dima RadyukovFebrero 2, 2015
    Подняться на вулкан можно по лестнице, а спуститься по склону. Тропа начинается в левой части кромки кратера, спуск не резкий.
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  • Alexey M.
    Alexey MatveevEnero 9, 2014
    Вячеслав оставил хорошую подсказку, но не указал где искать тропу в темноте ;) справа или слева от viewpoint
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  • Kudi A.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Kudi ArtoJunio 4, 2012
    must visit venue!! berangkat lah sore agar bisa ngeliat sunrise. Sewa hardtop karena mobil pribadi dilarang masuk. Atau ngojek 100ribu bisa ke semua lokasi. Villa, hotel, atau rumah tersedia.
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  • Lusiyana Ika P.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Lusiyana Ika PriambudiAgosto 14, 2014
    Gunung batok, bukit teletubies, lautan pasir, dan udara yang sejuk saat perjalanan
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  • Adhi I.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Adhi IrawanDiciembre 13, 2016
    Penasaran agustus ke Bromo
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  • Siska S.
    Siska SariMarzo 9, 2014
    Keperluan mendaki seperti Kupluk,Sarung Tangan,Syal dijual disana... Yg jual diarea ticketing lebih mahal dibanding yg jual di Penanjakan (Sunrise location)
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  • Erlang T.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Erlang ThirtaDiciembre 29, 2015
    Buat liburan pas banget dan harganya terjangkau jadi gk perlu takut dompet jebol 😂
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  • Anas I.
    Anas IndahAgosto 3, 2014
    Dinginnya dan pendakian yg cukup extreme tapi terbayarkan dengan pemandangan yang luar biasa SubhanAllah
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  • Mon P.
    Mon PhadungathAgosto 11, 2014
    Stay at Cemara Indah for the best view of Mt Bromo
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  • Kudi A.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Kudi ArtoAgosto 18, 2015
    Very-very beautiful view. Fresh air. Adventure. And recommended selfie spots.
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  • Princes G.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Princes GraceJulio 26, 2015
    You'll take a very long way to go, but the scenery is really worth the efforts. 😍
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  • Syahrul M.
    Syahrul MunirJunio 8, 2013
    For the next chance, you must bring DSLR, Tripod, Wide Angle / Fish Eye Lens. #shootingmilkyway
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  • Rizka S.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Rizka Setia AnggrainiSeptiembre 2, 2013
    kereeen!! :D awal sptember menikmati negeri yg indah ini di br0m0 \(^,^)/ vuvivuu
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  • Jogja Explore T.
    Jogja Explore ToursMayo 12, 2015
    Famous place for soft trekking and nice sunrise to get Leer más
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  • Nico A.
    Nico ArtiOctubre 22, 2018
    Visiting the Bromo is also nice at daytime.
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  • Mahda A.
    Mahda ArMarzo 26, 2015
    Very beautiful place. Subhanalloh. #sunrise
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  • Callvin C.
    Callvin CheungAgosto 16, 2014
    #Edelweis.You can only find it at #Mountains #Bromo #Tengger #Semeru
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Fotos2.013 Fotos

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