Destaca por su cristal y en ella podrás encontrar multitud de tiendas que se dedican a vender figuras de este material. Personalmente recomiendo y veo con mayor encanto la isla de Burano.
Busca una fábrica que te hagan la muestra gratis y/o propina a voluntad. Las mismas piezas de cristal de murano se pueden comprar en la ciudad pero más barato.
Ojo que las taquillas nunca hay nadie (al menos en domingo) así que más vale que tengas comprado el billete de vuelta o ya te puedes ir pensando en colarte.
La isla es muy linda pero no compren productos de vidrio porque los venden muy caros en las fábricas y después se consiguen los mismos en Venecia a menos de la mitad del precio
Murano Island, famous for glass-making, is the most popular island to visit. A few centuries ago, all glass makers were required to live on the island to protect the glass-making secrets.
This is where all the great Venetian glass making takes place. Plenty of craftsmen have their unique collection on display in their family run shops. Get some authentic jewellery and homeware here.
Murano has always been a secretive island, only a five-minute vaporetto ride from the center of Venice. Glassmaking traditions pass from father to son. Competition and copying are rampant. Leer más
Wonderful place. Romantic restaurants, a great Museum and many many small shops selling the famous Murano Glass. Cheaper than in Venice and it's 100% original.
Go to the glass museum - it is worth the trip and the glass for sale in the shop is much better value and a lot more elegant than the kitsch stuff in the other commercial shops. Otherwise go to Venice
The beautiful island known for it's Glass industry.Please visit the glass making industry tour.Don't miss to buy a Glass souvenir,make sure it's Murano glass before you buy.
A gente se perde com tantas opções de presentes feitos em Cristais. Toda a. Produção é feita manualmente com técnicas seculares ... Vale muito a pena conhecer este cenário de Veneza!
This is where the magic happens. Every authenticMurano Glass item is born here, from the hands of master glassmakers only. If you go early in the day, you can see them at work!
Non conviene comprare ricordi nella vetreria in cui si assiste alla dimostrazione, inoltrandosi un po' piu' nel cuore dell'isola si trovano le stesse cose a prezzi piu' vantaggiosi
La tradizione millenaria scorre ancora nelle strade dell'isola di Murano, dove gli artigiani raccontano l'antica arte del vetro che li ha resi celebri in tutto il mondo.
There are handmade glass objects in Murano. Be sure they are from Murano not China in some stores. Also, most glass items like rings and necklaces are cheaper in Venice itself. Murano is double price
A ilha é bacana, possui vários ligares onde pode assistir o pessoal fazendo uma obra em vidro ao vivo, mas não tem muito o que fazer alem disso, restaurantes tem horário de atendimento
It's a little island full of VERY EXPENSIVE glass shops (you can find better prices and variety in Venice). The island has the same arquitecture and canals, i would've rather stayed in Venice.
There are beautiful handmade glass objects in Murano. Be sure they are from Murano not China in some stores. Also, most glass souvineers are cheaper in Venice itself. Double price on Murano island.
Vestita sticla de Murano se afla aici, multe fabricute de prelucrare, unde poti cumpara si vedea pe loc prelucrarea lor! Preturile sunt tratabile! Dar si un pret pentru intrare!
Se tiver a oportunidade não deixe de conhecer... Visite uma fábrica, veja como os cristais são feitos... e traga ao menos 1 pingente pra dizer que veio de verdade de Murano.
Cam işçiliği icin gittiğimiz yer güzel ancak Venedik merkez adada çok daha çeşitli ve guzel cam işçilikleri bulunuyor. Fiyat olarak da Venedik daha uygun.
here Glasstress was born in 2009 and has been developed by its founder Adriano Berengo and our team to the one of the most successful events of Venice Biennale and worldwide traveling exhibition
We suggest you, of course, to go to the wonderful island of Murano, famous for its glasswork where you can find all kinds of multi-colored glass souvenirs.