The parade was good, but there were so many drunk people running around and doing crazy stuff in the morning. Do not take your kids. as an adult at some point I felt uncomfortable 😶
Get your arse up to Sancho Panza best sound stage by far. It's up the top end of Ladbroke Grove, do a right after the bridge and get to Southern Row, you may have to walk around as the Bill cut it off
كرنفال سنوي يقام في منطقة Notting hill لشعوب أمريكا الجنوبيةفيه صخب هاااائل واحتفال كبير من25 aug إلى27 augمن1000am إلى غروب الشمس شي جميل حضوره لاانصح فيه للعوائل المحافظة اذا حضرت احضر بملابس عادية
The Notting Hill Carnival is an annual event that has taken place... in London since 1966 on the streets of the Notting Hill area of Kensington, each August over two days (the August bank holiday Monday and the preceding Sunday)(Mostrar más)