This is the right place where you can do your outdoor activities! From jogging, cycling, shooting, picnic and more. This is the moment you can cherish with the loved ones.
cont...since then I continue to find myself, Shah Alam is the best area and continuing to stay permanently here since 1993 till now...goodbye to my hometown, Kuala Lumpur ♥
Sile berhati2 disini. Kalau parking,make sure pintu kete berkunci,bwk semua brg berharga.kalau dtg jogging,sile bwk purse,wallet n hp lari bersama. Ramai tukang pecah kete dkt sini.
Actually this lake address is section 7 but usually people call thia lake as tasik section 6 cause its near to it and it can become confusing because section 7 already have a famous lake .