Haven't been here for a while but still in luv with there breakfast menu &coffee collection i highly recommend their Scrumptious eggs Benedict, Club sandwich &don't miss out the Expresso freezer
Weekend mornings are the best time for the bachelors' section. They have fast wifi and a designated (contained) smoking section(perfect for non-smokers) . Labnah Village and Omelets are good orders.
Breakfast here is just perfect .. The waiters are friendly, helpful and serving you with a smile all the time .. Seriously without doubt one of The Best Coffee Shops in town .. 🌹
Great for breakfast, tasty food, and very good service. Ramadan menu is also not to miss. I asked them to heat up a foodplate three times and they never hesitated to get me new food in every new plate
One of the great foodie locations in khobar, breakfast is great, Waffles are crispy from outside, Fluffy from the inside, Side dish italian sausage 👍.. Dinner menu is good too..
Food is good, so is the coffee, they have comfy seatings and very nice view. Only downside is the lack of power outlets (for your devices) and no free wifi (DUH! Its basic now guys)
الاكسجين هنا نقي جدا مع انه موفر صاله للمدخنين...والجو منعش حتي في عز الصيف. انصحك تجربه فطور واللي بصوره ابرز طبقين بنظري، وسلطه الفواكه طازجه. اذا زرته وقت العشاء جرب برقر ابتاون لذيذ جدا.
All food here is good. Can't go wrong in anything you choose. The breakfast is amazing best scrumptious egg in town. Service is outstanding you feel the hospitality and they care for there customers.
مقهى ومطعم جيد، جلسات مريحة وخدمة لطيفة وهادئ نوعاً ما، المشكلة أن قسم المدخنين داخل في وسط المقهى ورائحة دخان السجائر تعن المكان، القهوة والحلى والكيك جيدة بأسعار متوسطة وجودة الطعام أيضاً جيدة .
سلطة الحلوم وكيكة التمر أفضل طلبين عندهم بالنسبة لي😍والثالث ناسية اسمه كذا دجاج مع سبانخ جميل طعم السبانخ مش مبين👌جربت مره طلب عندهم على ماظن فيش اند تشبيس ماحبيته مره،عمومااشوفه من افضل المطاعم هنا
Nothing beats a good breakfast with great company with Fairouz playing in the background💕 Loved the atmosphere & they serve the best breakfast in town!
Breakfast is the best, pisto pasta & ceasar salad are good, date cake is a must, the hot & cold beverages are really good, u can watch football matches there ;)
This is my favorite breakfast spot in Khobar. pick and choose from their breakfast menu and you'll never be disappointed. their waffles are a personal favorite.
الكلوب ساندويتش طيب ، البانكيك تعبان ، المكان مرتب ورايق كثير الصباح ، عندهم كيكه التمر مميزه جدا ، والقهوه الامريكيه كويسه ، الخدمه جيده على ان عندهم بعض الموظفين نفسيات ، التقييم العام ( 8.7 )
احد المطاعم القليله جدا جدا بالخبر اللي تضمن جودتها ماتغيرت والخدمة دائماً ممتازه، خياراتنا معدومه جدا بالخبر للأسف "ملينا" مشاريع جديده بدون جوده او بدون اطفال!
It's a nice place. Breakfast was somewhat good but a bit overpriced. I liked their beverages muneu. Seating and the atmosphere of the place is comforting , also I liked their back ground music
الجلسات رايقة بتصميم مودرن وحلو، وفيه قسم خاص للمدخنين وهو معزول تماماً عن قسم غير المدخنين، الأكل لذيذ والأغلبية تفضّل وجبات الإفطار، أسعاره مرتفعة نسبياً لكن مناسبة.
Breakfast platter, date cake, pancake & eggs or basically all the breakfast menu is recommended. طبق الإفطار، كيكة التمر، البيض وكل القائمة ينصح بها 👍🏼
Amazing place for having breakfast but i agree with the high prices yet, the designated smoking area took the good view... Overall, an extraordinary and pleasant place to eat in..
Was a good restaurant, we had breakfast & it was Good ..there are many places that would make a better breakfast but let me say I would go have breakfast again ;)
الادارة الي قبل كانت روعه ، الاكل فرش وطعمه لذيذ والخدمه ممتازه ... الان قسم التدخين في للعائلات ما تشتغل المكيفات من كم شهر المكان بشكل عام مكتوم وحر، الخدمه نفسيه
I used to come to this place with a friend but she's no longer here. I love to sit near the window overlooking the streets watching the cars while partaking my meals
A fresh concept involving fusions of Mediterranean foods with... international favorites makes Uptown966 a suitable place for family gatherings as well as business meetings.(Mostrar más)