Beware the 441 entrance on busy days. The road between 441 & 4 way stop holds fewer cars than the left turn lane off 441. Cars have ended up stuck in the intersection while turn light was still green.
They're doing a nice job remodeling! New paint job, freezers in the frozen section, self checkout & NEW CARTS! I prefer to shop late at night when the staff is stocking shelves & super helpful! :)
Scanned everything in my cart at the self checkout. Wanted to get cash back. Well the darn thing didn’t have any money in it. Waited nearly 20 mins for them to money in it. Pissed!
This place is so dirty, I think the employees need to have more respect at the place they work. There is never any employees around if you have questions. Clean ur store people
I don't shop at WalMart often. Just moved to Apopka. Ordered online/pickup. Waited in line for over 30mins. Once I got to CSR, she informed me pickup is across from CS/near shoes dept. Annoyed.
Just because something has a sale price on it, you get to pay full do a price check before taking it to the counter.....that sucks they won't give it to you at the price listed on it.....
Shop your local Walmart for a wide selection of items in electronics,... home furnishings, toys, clothing, baby, and more - save money and live better.(Mostrar más)