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rizkie yuldha

rizkie yuldha


  • 2 tips
  • 142 seguidores
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  • Malacca
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rizkie yuldha
6 lugares actualizados
6 lugares incluyendo LOKAL Hotel & Restaurant, Dakken Coffee & Steak, Seniman Coffee Studio, Cafe Wayan & Bakery
rizkie yuldha
56 lugares actualizados
56 lugares incluyendo Empire XXI, RM Aceh Bungong Jeumpa, Basilia Café and Dine, Crowne Plaza
    "The map from tourist information center not really show the precise location. And the other name is A Famosa that shown up at Google Maps."
    rizkie yuldharizkie yuldha · Marzo 16, 2014
    Sitio histórico y protegido
    · Malaca, Malasia
    "The wifi is good. But the password is hard to remember. So ask the staff. Mango lassi and es cendol just at precise taste. Yum!"
    rizkie yuldharizkie yuldha · Marzo 15, 2014
    · Malaca, Malasia