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D.C. Vegetarian

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Carrito de comida y Restaurante vegano y vegetariano$$$$
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  • Portland Timbers
    Portland TimbersAgosto 7, 2012
    D.C. Vegetarian is an official member of the Portland Timbers Food Cart Alliance, and has the chance to serve at a Timbers home match! D.C. Vegetarian offers a free drink to Axe Society members. Leer más
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  • Brook S.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Brook ShelleyNoviembre 4, 2014
    Delicious gluten-free and vegan tempeh blt- add the FYH cheese for extra deliciousness
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  • Ted P.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Ted PenningsMayo 30, 2016
    Ha estado aquí más de 10 veces
    You can get any burger on rye! My order? vegan bacon cheeseburger on rye, light sauces. 😂
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  • Annie T.
    Annie TunnicliffeAgosto 27, 2014
    Amazing vegan options for such a good price. The sandwiches are HUGE!
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  • Taylor R.
    Taylor RamsauerSeptiembre 30, 2010
    The vegan BLT, hoagie-style, with cheese and avocado is mind blowing. Actually, I bet everything is awesome. Get into it.
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  • Marina L.
    Marina LadudaMayo 15, 2016
    When you don't want meat, but you still want tasty.
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  • Saschaicono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    SaschaDiciembre 30, 2015
    Multiple choices of vegan cheese!
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  • Ryan
    RyanNoviembre 4, 2011
    Ha estado aquí más de 5 veces
    OMG the vegan steak and cheese is soooo good. Ask for pepper jack cheese!
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  • blendilyicono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    blendilyJunio 15, 2015
    Steak and cheese!
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  • Khris S.
    Khris SodenOctubre 20, 2011
    Ha estado aquí más de 50 veces
    The Steak and Cheese is delicious, but watch out because it's really messy!
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  • Casey R.
    Casey RainFebrero 24, 2011
    You have to have the Vegan Bacon Cheeseburger. It's amazing.
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  • MH
    MHSeptiembre 6, 2012
    Loved the vegan bacon cheeseburger!!
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  • Tristan T.
    Tristan ToddAbril 20, 2010
    Try the vegetarian Italian sub for lunch...order with the vegetarian bacon - you will not regret it!
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  • Tasha R.
    Tasha RiedelEnero 14, 2011
    Ha estado aquí más de 10 veces
    The BLT is, hands down, by far, the best sandwich I've ever had!
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  • WhyGo Travel
    WhyGo TravelDiciembre 8, 2011
    Order the veggie bacon cheeseburger with avocado. Leer más
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  • Jesse L.
    Jesse LMarzo 28, 2010
    Ha estado aquí más de 10 veces
    Try the Un-chicken salad sandwich or the cheesesteak. You can get either one Vegetarian or Vegan.
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  • Olivia
    OliviaMarzo 17, 2011
    Ha estado aquí más de 25 veces
    Veggie bacon cheeseburger + avocado = so tasty!
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  • Brian V.
    Brian Van PeskiOctubre 16, 2009
    Ha estado aquí más de 10 veces
    Try the Vegan BLT. it's damn close to the real thing and tastes delicious!
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  • Paul F.
    Paul FenwickNoviembre 9, 2012
    Courtesy Vegan Portland by Natalie N.
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  • Brittany
    BrittanyEnero 18, 2013
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  • Heather Q.
    Heather QSeptiembre 30, 2010
    Best vegan BLT ever. Evvaaarrr.
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  • Chris Pez
    Chris PezMayo 19, 2011
    but think of the poor plants, YOU ANIMAL!!
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